· A man dependent on relatives gets no honor. It is better to live in jungle wit beasts and survive by eating grass.
· A son born dead is better than a foolish son. For the former you cry once. But a foolish son is a lifelong sorrow and grief.
· Learning is real treasure. It will keep you in demand wherever you go.Tweet This!
· When your body is healthy death appears a distant threat. But it will steal a march on you giving no time to redeem your soul. Don’t waste time.
· One moon lights up the earth like thousands of stars cannot. A good is similarly better than a hundred worthless ones.
· Unwholesome food, scowling wife, stupid son and widowed daughter are the biggest miseries of life. They burn one to ashes from within.
· A women ages fast without love from her man, a garment fades being left in sunlight, constant travel brings old age upon a man and a horse gets old when kept tethered always.
· A family gathering is poison to a poor man, food is poison to a person suffering from acute indigestion and a young wife is a poison to an aged husband.
· To a problem besieged man three things prove great consolations – Children, faithful wife and the company of devotees of god.
· Meditation is best done alone, study by two singing three, a journey by four, cultivation by five and war by an army.
· A good friend is one who stands by in the court of the king, in times of famine, in war and in times of trouble.
· A single sandalwood tree spreads fragrance in the entire forest. Similarly a good son born brings glory to entire dynasty.
· Indulge a son to five years of age, use cane for next ten years and then treat him like a friend.
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