Ctrl + A Selects the entire worksheet
Ctrl + B Applies orremoves bod formatting.
Ctrl+C Copies the selected cells
Ctrl+D Use the fill down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost.
Ctrl+F Display the find dialog box
Ctrl+G Display the go to dialog box
Ctrl+H Display the find and replace dialog box
Ctrl+I Applies or removes italic formatting
Ctrl+K Displays the insert hyperlink
Ctrl+L Displays the create list dialog box
Ctrl+N Creates a new, blank file.
Ctrl+O Displays the open dialog box to open or find a file.
Ctrl+P Displays print dialog box
Ctrl+R Uses the fill right command to copy the conents and format of the leftmost
Ctrl+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location,and file format.
Ctrl+U Applies or removes underlining
Ctrl+V Paste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection
Ctrl+W Closes the selected workbook window
Ctrl+X Cuts the selected cells.
Ctrl+Y Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
Ctrl+Z Uses the Undo command
Ctrl+’ Alternate between displaying cell values & formulas
Ctrl+1 Display the formate cells dialog box
Ctrl+2 Applies or removes bold formating
Ctrl+3 Applies or removes italic formating
Ctrl+4 Applies or removes underlying
Ctrl+5 Applies or removes strikethrough
Ctrl+6 Alternates between hiding objects, dispaying objects, and displaying place holders for objects.
Ctrl+7 Displays or hides the standards toolbar.
Ctrl+8 Displays or hides the outline symbols.
Ctrl+9 Hides the selected rows.
Ctrl+0 Hides the selected coloumns
Ctrl+\ In a selected row, selected the cells that don’t match the value in the active cell.
Ctrl+[ Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell
Ctrl+; Enter the date.
Ctrl+’ Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the formula bar.
Ctrl+/ Select the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+A when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula, insert the argument names and parentheses.
Ctrl+Shift+O Select all cells that contain comments.
Ctrl+Shift+Z When the auto correct smart tags is displayed, undo or redo the last automatic correction.
Ctrl+Shift+! Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and mines for negative values.
Ctrl+Shift+@ Apply the time format with the hour and minute
Ctrl+Shift+# Apply the date format with the day, month & year.
Ctrl+Shift+$ Apply the currency format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+% Apply the percentage format with 0 decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+^ Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+Shift+& Apply the outline border to the selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+* Seliect the current region around the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide any hidden rows within the selection.
Ctrl+Shift+) Unhides any hidden column within the selection
Ctrl+Shift+_ Remove the outline border from the selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift++ Insert bland cells.
Ctrl+Shift+| In a selected coloumn, select the cells that don’t match the value in the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+{ Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection.
Ctrl+Shift+: Enter the time
Ctrl+Shift+” Copy the value from the cell above the active cell in to the cell or the formula bar.
Alt+B Apply or remove the bottom border
Alt+C Moves the selected field into the column area.
Alt+D Apply or remove the downward diagonal border.
Alt+EL Delete the current shet.
Alt+EM Move or copy the current sheet.
Alt+H If cells in multiple rows are selected, apply or remove the horizontal divider.
Alt+L Apply or remove the left border.
Alt+OR Rename the current sheet.
Alt+P Moves the selected field in to the page area.
Alt+R Apply or remove the right border.
Alt+T Apply or remove the upward diagnol border.
Alt+U Apply or remove the upward diagonal border.
Alt+V If cells in multiple columns are seleced, apply or remove the vertical divider.
Alt+’ Display the style dialog box.
Alt+= Insert an autosum formula with the SUM function.
F1 Display the help task pane.
Alt+F1 Create a chart of the data in the current range.
Alt+Shift+F1 Insert a new worksheet
F2 Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell contents.
Shift + F2 Edits a cell comment.
F3 pastes a defined name into a formula.
Shift+F3 Display the insert function dialog box.
F4 Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
Ctrl+F4 Closes the selected workbook window
F5 Display the go to dialog box.
Ctrl+F5 Restores the window size of the selected work book window.
F6 Switches to the next pane in a worksheet that has been split.
Ctrl+F6 Switches to the next workbook window when more than one workbook.
Shift+F6 Switches to the previous pane in a worksheet that has been split.
F7 Displays the spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet.