Monthly Archive: February 2012

Optimists and Pessimists

This is a story of two twins. One was a hope-filled optimist. “Everything is coming up roses!” The other was a hopeless pessimist. The parents were so worried. Finally the parents of the boys brought them to the local psychologist. She suggested to the parents a plan to balance the twins’ personalities. “On their next …

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Blind Man Wish

  There lived a young man called Swami Appan. He doesn’t have any relatives to support him. He did not get any job. He told his deficiency to everyone. But no one showed mercy on him. Finally he decided, Ok, God created me lets tell all my worries to god itself! He went to hall …

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Fishing Eagle: Palla’s fishing eagle is found in inland water in Pakistan and northern India. This majestic eagle is brown with pale head and a board white band across a tail. It hunts for its own prey-fishing, snakes, small mammals and crabs, ot pirates prey from other raptors, forcing to surrender their lawful prize. It …

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How to become an ideal student

  Swami Vivekananda says that to become an ideal student, One has to follow certain basic things. Respect: Respect your parents, your teachers and your elders. Love: Love your country, your culture and your ancestors. Service: Serve the poor, the illiterate and the diseased. Self-discipline: Discipline your body, your senses and your mind. Self- control: …

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