Monthly Archive: January 2012


We never get what we want; We never want what we get; We never have what we like; We never like what we have; Still we live, still we love, still we hope. This is life. WISH FOR IT Birds wish to fly and, they do so! Fish wish to swim and, they do so! …

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City without Traffic Lights

It is surprising to learn that the capital Bhutan, Thimphu is the only city in the world without traffic lights. It is located at an altitude of 7500 feet above the sea level, and is situated on the western slopes of the wangchu river. Its population is just about 1,00,000. By, Rushalli  

Great Pyramid – A Signature From History.

Sailing southwards on the River Nile in Egypt is like taking a time machine back through ages, through thousands of years of history when the pharaohs ruled the desert land. The impressive ruins of pyramids, temples and tombs are more complete there than in ost places in the ancient world. The ancient Egyptians diligently maintained …

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Fact File

  The further a river is from its source on a mountainside, the slower the water travels. This is because the river eventually reaches flatter ground and widens before it reaches the sea. Over millions of years, the human body has altered to suit the climate of the regions we inhabit. In general, the hotter …

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Bhagavad Gita

The Gita is not a book for study and examination as a text book. It is a book that tells men how regulate their activities and their minds. It is like a railway guide. It is a guide book for the journey of life. We should travel with its help, not commit it to memory. …

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 Iron rusts, or corrodes in air because it dissolves in the acid solution provided by the moisture and the carbon dioxide of the air to form hydrous oxide. In an atmosphere which is rich in sulphur compounds, the process will be repaid.                                               Our industrial system is largely based on the use of iron and …

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